Freedom From Pain Institute Website

Our largest project to date.

Freedom From Pain Institute is our largest project to date with over 400 pages within their website. Their site has been online since the early 2000s, which required us to go in and clear out unused and outdated pages and plugins. Even though it was a large complete overhaul and redesign of their site, it was an enjoyable project.

We updated the layout to create a more modern feel and look that included the new colors of their logo. The majority of the updated site is our work, but they have since modified the site using web design techniques we executed into the project so they were able to update with ease.

Oct 2020 Edit: Since launch, their site has gone through various iterations but still has a look and some functions we created when the site was initially built.

Project Details

Client: Freedom From Pain Institute

Category: Web Design

Date: August 2015

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